Wedding Lookbook

Wedding Lookbook is a packed theme for Final Cut Pro X. Included with this theme are a variety of tools that are needed for a professional video. A logo key for personal insignia, four transitions that let the user move from clip to clip stylishly, and more. We’ve worked hard to create this theme so the user doesn’t have to. Wedding Lookbook is made exclusively for Final Cut Pro X.

Final Cut Pro 10.4.7

Product Image 15 Tools

Final Cut Pro 10.4.7

Final Cut Pro 10.4.7

SKU: wedding-lookbook Categories: , Tags: , ,

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Final Cut Pro Titles can be found in the Titles/Generators Tab > Titles in the top left.
Final Cut Pro Transitions can be found in the Transitions Sidebar in the bottom right.
Final Cut Pro Effects can be found in the Effects Sidebar in the bottom right.
Final Cut Pro Generators can be found in the Titles/Generators Tab > Generators in the top right.
Once you’ve saved an asset to your account you can install them using the PFS App.

Final Cut Pro



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Wedding LookbookWedding Lookbook