With ProVCR users can generate that classic VCR effect without ever touching a VCR. ProVCR lets users design and create their very own effect all within Final Cut Pro. User can choose from magnetic displacement, chroma offset, color channel blur, saturation flicker, color grades, static interference, color bands, and much more all full customizable all with a click of a mouse.

Final Cut Pro

Product Image 107 Tools

1920 x 1080 (HD)

46.44 MB

SKU: fcp-provcr Categories: , Tags: , , ,

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Final Cut Pro Titles can be found in the Titles/Generators Tab > Titles in the top left.
Final Cut Pro Transitions can be found in the Transitions Sidebar in the bottom right.
Final Cut Pro Effects can be found in the Effects Sidebar in the bottom right.
Final Cut Pro Generators can be found in the Titles/Generators Tab > Generators in the top right.
Once you’ve saved an asset to your account you can install them using the PFS App.

Final Cut Pro



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