Leaves Production Pack

Leaves is a powerful pack of tools for all your social media & video editing needs. These can all be found directly inside of Final Cut Pro. This package includes 11 Presets designed to work in conjunction with each other, bringing continuity to any video production. Whether you are just getting started as a video editor or you are a seasoned professional, this pack has everything you will need to take your next project to an even higher level.

Final Cut Pro

Product Image 11 Tools

Any Resolution

6.1 MB

SKU: fcp-leaves-production-pack Categories: , Tags: , ,

asked questions

Final Cut Pro Titles can be found in the Titles/Generators Tab > Titles in the top left.
Final Cut Pro Transitions can be found in the Transitions Sidebar in the bottom right.
Final Cut Pro Effects can be found in the Effects Sidebar in the bottom right.
Final Cut Pro Generators can be found in the Titles/Generators Tab > Generators in the top right.
Once you’ve saved an asset to your account you can install them using the PFS App.

Final Cut Pro



leaves-production-pack-thumbnailLeaves Production Pack