Glitch Freeze Frame

Dive into a digital dimension with the “Glitch Freeze Frame” pack, designed for those who crave that glitchy, sci-fi aesthetic in Final Cut Pro. From intricate masking to dynamic camera controls, every aspect is customizable to amplify the futuristic vibe. A perfect blend for our members seeking that cutting-edge touch in their projects.

Final Cut Pro

Product Image 2 Title Assets

1920 x 1080 (HD)

8.9 MB

SKU: fcp-glitch-freeze-frame Categories: , Tags: ,
This product can only be added by members. To add this product, sign up by purchasing Membership – Yearly or Membership – Monthly.

How it Works

Drag & Drop

Our products are designed to get you editing faster. Simply drag and drop and you are ready to go.


Utilize the built-in published controls to adjust the style of any asset.

Adaptable Resolution

Our templates adapt to all resolution sizes.


Final Cut Pro
