FCPX Glitch 2.0

FCPX Glitch 2.0 is an extensive collection of cutting-edge glitch effects, transitions, and tools from Pixel Film Studios designed for Final Cut Pro users. This comprehensive package comprises a staggering 540 powerful tools, seamlessly combining the capabilities of 20 unique glitch plugins. With FCPX Glitch 2.0, video editors can effortlessly apply mesmerizing effects such as displacement, flickering, color level shifts, CRT overlays, magnetic distortion, pixel sorting, VHS simulation, and much more. This versatile toolkit also includes captivating glitch logo animations, smooth transitions, fractal noise manipulation, pixelation, TV noise, static effects, burst animations, and pixel distortion, enabling creators to infuse their projects with captivating visual elements and a distinctive glitch aesthetic.

Final Cut Pro
540 Tools
All Resolutions
1.4 GB
SKU: fcp-fcpx-glitch-2 Categories: , Tags: , , , , , , ,

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FCPX Glitch 2.0