FCPX Electric

Create custom electric special effects within a matter of seconds. With FCPX Electric users have complete control over the overall look and feel leaving room for endless possibilities. Users can position and rotate each preset within 3d space, or track their effect to an object all with a click of a mouse.

Final Cut Pro

Product Image 8 Tools

Any Resolution

8.01 MB

SKU: fcp-fcpx-electric Categories: , Tag:
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How it Works

Electrify your video

Create and animate a custom electric visual effect all in FCP.

Simple Controls

Ultimate control over position, rotation, scale, color and more.


Complete control of over various lightning controls, branch attributes, glow and much more.

asked questions

Final Cut Pro Titles can be found in the Titles/Generators Tab > Titles in the top left.
Final Cut Pro Transitions can be found in the Transitions Sidebar in the bottom right.
Final Cut Pro Effects can be found in the Effects Sidebar in the bottom right.
Final Cut Pro Generators can be found in the Titles/Generators Tab > Generators in the top right.
Once you’ve saved an asset to your account you can install them using the PFS App.

To animate the lighting effects in this plugin you will have to keyframe the “Random Seed” and “Lightning Seed” controls.

For more information on keyframing please check out our help page on keyframing.


Final Cut Pro



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